Menus & Toolbar

There are 4 Menu categories:

The File menu contains the choices to create a new theme, open one, save it, close it, or exit the application.

More than one file may be open at the same time. When this occurs, the currently active file is named at the top of the window. A set of tabs appear to differentiate between the files. Selecting a tab will make that file active.

The View menu contains the option to view all numbers as percentages (0% - 100%) or as a byte (0 - 255). In most cases, it's easier to think in percentages. However, the byte may be preferred when needing to refer to an exact value in a Program made with the app Program Developer.

The Tool menu provides the option to Export the selected theme to a Morsel device.

Finally, the Help menu contains the options to open this help file you're currently reading, see more information about this app, and choose whether to automatically check for updates when the app starts up.


The Toolbar contains a few buttons that are shortcuts to the menu options. These include creating a new theme, opening one, saving the selected theme, and exporting it.