(Though the picture depicts bare LED’s being used, wired LED’s work great!)

We’re very excited to announce the launch of two new products that make lighting your projects so much easier and precise: the Light Valve and the Ditto!

In the PowerCookie Boards ecosystem of lighting solutions, the Light Valve is a chain controller, that is, it controls the signal on the chain control (CC) wires and pins of all devices in a chain. This makes it a dimmer for any number of chained devices! It also accepts a CC signal as input, meaning the input is scaled by the ultra-smooth control knob of the Light Valve before being sent out.

The Ditto is more like a chain “tap”, tapping into the CC signal. All Ditto devices connected in the chain will amplify the same CC signal to each of its 6 LED ports, duplicating the signal coming from either a Light Valve, a Morsel, or other future products.

These products work especially well with each other, and we look forward to hearing how you use these invaluable devices. Shop now for them today!